Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Brief History Of Everything (Ken Wilber)

I learned about this book from Quang Ho (artist) who referred to it in one of his DVDs. It was so intriguing that I decided to borrow it from the library. is pure philosophical stuff. The idea is that everything is both a whole and part of something larger, called a 'holon'. After two chapters I simply 'scanned' the rest of the book.
The book is just not for my temperament.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Hare Brain Tortoise Mind (G. Claxton)

The subtitle of the book sums up the content of it. I am glad I read it. Now I don't feel guilty about not thinking hard ALL the time.

This is something I want to record for reference in future:

"...Most coaches and trainers understand very well that the major learning vehicles, in their line of work, are observation and practice, and that hints,tips and explanations need to be introduced into learner's minds slowly and appropriately. Whatever is offered needs to be capable of being bound by learners into their gradually developing practical mastery. It must be tested against existing experience and incorporated into it, and it takes time..."

"...There is evidence...for the undermind, the intelligent unconscious that works quietly below,and in some cases ahead of,conscious apprehension."

"...Cultivating a relaxed attitude of mind.."

"...The more self-conscious we are - the more fragile our identity - the more we shut down the undermind."